TEMCO- Terengganu International Eco & Marine Tourism Conference 2017, 10 - 11 Oktober 2017

Persatuan Pelancongan Negeri Terengganu dengan kerjasam Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu akan mengadakan Seminar TEMCO buat kali yang ke 7 pada 10 hingga 11 Oktober 2017 bertempat di Primula Beach hotel, Kuala Terengganu.

Seminar kali ini akan memfokuskan tentang sustainabiliti dan idea-idea yang praktikal dalam memberi inspirasi positif kepada pelancongan eko dan marin di Terengganu.

Program seminar memang menarik dan sebagaimana berikut:

uesday, 10 October 2017
0800-0830 AM
0900-0930 AM
0930-1000 AM
Participants Registration
Opening Ceremony & Keynote Address by Tourism Exco
Tea Break / Press conference
1000-1100 AM
Session 1
“The Economics of Fish Conservation” by Christopher John Mcliravy
1100-1200 PM
Session 2
“The Role of Ecotourism in Local Environmental  Conservation and Socioeconomic Development” by Associate Prof. Dr Jamilah Mohd Salim @ Halim, Deputy Director (Lake, Wetland and Island Ecosystems), Kenyir Research Institute, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
1200-1300 PM
Session 3“Demystifying The Heritage City” by Tan Yung Ren  
1300-1400 PM
1400-1500 PM
Session 4“Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Small and Medium Tourism Operators (SMTEs)” by Dr Kalsitinoor Set, Lecturer in Bachelor of Tourism Management (Hons), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
1500-1600 PM
Session 5“The Potential of Firefly Watching in Ecotourism” by Mohd Hafiz Abdul Majid, Hafiz Cherating’s Activities & Local Guide
1600-1630 PM
Tea Break
1630-1730 PM

Session 6
“Birds of Besut” by Anuar McAfee, Committee Member of Malaysian Nature Society Kuala Terengganu Branch, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA)
Wednesday, 11 October 2017
0745 AM
Gather at Primula Beach Hotel, Lobby
0800 AM
Depart to Bukit Kluang
Depart to Bukit Kluang  
A unique combination of caves and white sandy beach, Bukit Keluang (Keluang Hill) is indeed has an exceptional view to offer. At the foot of the hill, white wide sandy beach and soothing sea breeze makes snorkeling, kayaking and wind surfing an ideal activities. After which you can explore the many caves around. It is suitable for new explorer as the trails are easy to maneuver. There are also proper walkways around to explore the hill. A slow stroll along the walkway as you ascend the hill widens your horizon to the breathtaking view around
0930 AM
Hiking Bukit Kluang
Depart to Desa Ukiran Kayu
Located in Kampong Raja, Besut. It occupied a small area with the three blocks of traditional Malay houses. A double storey block (Limas Bungkus style) has lecture room and a library at the upper level and the workshop at the ground floor. Another block (Rumah Tele style or Bujang Berserambi Selasar) has a gallery of outstanding wood carving specialists of Besut  and the third block (Potong Belanda style) has class rooms and students work.
Visit Gong Marker at Kampung Ubi Keling
Visit Beting Lintang
1700 PM
Depart back to Kuala Terengganu

Bagi pendaftaran bolehlah berhubung dengan pihak urusetia di talian 09-6262020
atau melayari laman rasmi seminar di www.terengganutourism.com 



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