Promosi: BIZ Starter Pack 1MB RM99/Month from TM

Features & Benefits
  • 1Mbps unlimited Business Broadband
  • FREE wireless modem (1 year warranty)
  • FREE RM35 phone voucher
  • FREE monthly phone line rental
  • Call charges:Flat rate 15sen/min to fixed & mobile
  • Free activation fee for Business Broadband
  • Charge RM100 Installation fee in first month bill.
  • 24 months contract.

Things You Need To Know
*Biz Starter Pack  is targeted to NI (New Installation), especially for customer (SOHO, Micro &  Businesses customer with competitor package). 
*Partners are advice to promote higher package of Business Broadband first and this Biz Starter Pack is the last option for your team to close the customer. 
*FREE RM35 phone voucher
  • Enjoy RM35 voucher for a phone set including Dect Phone at nearest TM Point.
*Business Broadband
  • Broadband with an 'always on' Internet connection and a speed of 1Mbps.
  • Supports most broadband applications such as web hosting, video streaming, e-commerce and others.
  • Comes with a WiFi modem.
Important FAQ
       Please ready the important FAQ, click HERE

Futher info at.


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